Discover how easy you can relieve stress with simple yoga poses.
As stress in our everyday lives continues to grow, yoga becomes a valuable tool for stress relief. If statistics are to be believed,
Yoga is the number one preferred technique for dealing with stress.
A regular practice of yoga can help fight many of the stress related disease like high blood pressure and other cardiovascular complaints, while also leaving the practitioner with a calm and quiet mind.
People who are under chronic stress are more susceptible to heart failure or a stroke. An increase in the blood pressure is usually a precursor to other heart troubles and to avoid any major heart disease, it is recommended that a person should remain on medication and continue to follow up with medical checks regularly. Stress can take a toll on a person’s life and to manage it, a change in lifestyle is an absolute necessity. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and cessation of smoking are some of the vital aspects of a changed lifestyle. Less consumption of fats, red meats and salts can also help you deal with stress. Have a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Aside from all the precautions that a person can take, yoga should be explored as an alternative stress relief technique.
The meditative techniques of yoga are a great stress relief exercise. Meditative techniques in yoga can help calm the mind down, expelling stressful and unwanted thoughts. This is especially beneficial for those who suffer from hypertension and blood pressure. A ten minute session of meditation can work wonders.
Asana(Yoga Poses):
Simple yoga poses can be performed to stretch the body, improve blood and hormone circulation, and increase lung capacity.While the physical exercise improves the strength, immunity and flexibility of the body, deep breathing techniques improve the lung capacity, allowing for more oxygen to be taken in and utilized in the body.
Some of the simplest and most effective yoga poses for stress relief are the Balasana or the child pose, Savasana or the corpse pose, and Makarasana or the crocodile pose, and Uttanasana or standing forward fold.
Balasana or Child’s Pose
Sit with your legs folded under you. The heels of your feet touching your buttocks.
Now slowly lower your chest onto your knees.
Bring your face down towards the ground.
Stretch your arms out in front or rest them at your sides.
Maintain this pose for 5 minutes.
Make sure to breathe deeply throughout.
Savasana or Corpse Pose
Lie on your back comfortably.
Now spread your arms and legs to a 45 degree angle.
Breathe deeply and evenly while concentrating on every breath that you inhale and exhale.
Concentrate on the rising and falling of the chest.
Now concentrate on each body part and feel the tension slowly release from each part.
Stay in this pose for a minimum of 10-15 minutes for best effect of stress relief.
Makarasana or Crocodile Pose
Lie flat on your stomach with your legs stretched out behind you. Pointing your toes.
Arms are stretched forward.
Place palm of one hand on the back of the other hand. Elbows bent.
Rest your forehead on back of hands. There are many arm variations for this pose.
Breathe deeply and evenly.
Maintain this pose for 5 minutes.
Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold
Stand with your legs hip width apart.
Now slowly take your hands forward till they touch the ground.
Your knees might bend a little, that’s OK.
You can vary the poses with whatever feels comfortable. Let the body hang loosely.
Let the arms swing from side to side.
You could even take your arms backwards so that your forehead touches your shin.
Make sure that the hamstring and back feel a stretch.
This pose is very refreshing for the brain.
Come back to the standing pose slowly and relax the shoulders while you do so.
Maintain this pose for 3-5 minutes.
Yoga promotes overall wellness.
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